Integrated Risk Management Overview

Risk is an integral part of the banking business. Thus, Bank Management is synonymous with managing various types of Risks. The magnitude of impact and gravity of different risks are varied. We anticipate, envisage, and analyze the probabilities of risks and returns in every action we undertake based on the historical fact sheets, prevailing market dynamics/indicators, and probable future events, forecast the probable magnitude of the impact, and set the integrated risk and compliance management guidelines and controlling parameters for minimizing and mitigation of risk to protect from the potential losses. The Board of Directors (BOD) and Management Team of Myanmar Citizens Bank (MCB) understand and are conversant about the potential risks in the overall banking business. Thus, MCB has developed a robust Integrated Risk and Compliance Management Framework at the organizational structural level and developed the policy, manual, guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and TORs of the Management and Board level Committees and have been effectively implementing and practicing on day to day business and operational processes.

Risk Governance

Integrated Risk Management Framework

Board Integrated Risk and Compliance Committee – BIRCC

Integrated Risk Department

The Four Lines of Defense (4LOD) Model